
Take care of your body; the massage

The benefits of massage to your body

Our body is a great unit that produces a lot of energy and get tired easily as when it is too. To be able to repair, gain strength or to relax, you can opt for the massage. Massage is a solution to many complicated equipment and it has many positive sides to the body.


The positive effects of massage on the body

Massage on the key points of your body                            
The massage works on different parts of the body according to the selected region. The expected effects will therefore depend on the location of the massage. We will speak of a few specific locations and appropriate policy with the result obtained to perform a massage:



Back massage

An effective massage back helps improve posture and posture while rejuvenating the back of new energies. Because the back is a cornerstone for the human body, such factors as putting oneself in a static position for too long or sit in sedentary result in the accumulation of power at it. It is also the same for the adoption of poor posture in everyday or wearing high heels. The back massage is essential to put an end to the various ills permanently back.



The head massage, blood circulation and oxygenation

To be truly effective, the massage of the head must be closed. Fingertips are part of the hand that is appropriate for this type of massage. Applying an upward movement from the skull base to the temples, the masseur takes the precaution to remove and tighten her fingers while covering her head. Circular movements are most appropriate for this part of the body and gestures precise and delicately applied are de rigueur for a powerful massage of the head.



Foot massage, pain relief and evacuation of tensions

Feet are the part of the body that supports the entire weight load. They often suffer daily attacks and require very special care. Foot massage offers members lower a moment of relaxation after a prolonged standing, overweight or following the footwear permanently preventing them from breathing. A good foot massage can thus restore balance to the body and to address various problems to which it is not always natural to think.



Hands massage, release tension and reliefs of many organs

Finally, this part of the body houses the nerve endings. Hand massage can stimulate the organs and through the solicitation of reflex zones. Hand massage has rapid effects on the body, as the hands are easy to handle and offer a mini map of the body. Hand massage then helps to find flexibility it for more nimble gestures

Well being of your body

Take care of his body, hair discoloration 

In general, people are ashamed of hair, especially on the face. Discoloration of hair is a solution to hide embarrassing hair and intense. Very effective and also fast fading hair is an effective remedy. This technique still requires some care jobs.

Rules and ways of doing things to know

Which hair bleach?
In general, you eliminate all those that are on the face too, like the ugly thick down to the ears, obnoxious little mustache above her lips and hair located on the forearm. For other areas of the body prefer traditional hair removal at home, hair removal cream or hot wax.



How to bleach well?

First, choose a discoloration kit that fade hair and duvets annoying. Usually available in supermarkets and beauty salons, these kits consist of a bleaching cream to mix with powdered activating containing ammonia. Apply with a spatula, let sit ten minutes, remove and rinse. The result will be perfect and you will be like new.



What risks can happen?
Risk may possibly appear as tingling. To avoid this, it is advisable to do a first test on the skin inside of the arm. For product containing ammonia should not be used at all on irritated skin as it will burn. Contact between the skins has been heated and the cream can cause skin reactions or allergies. In case this happens, it is best to go see a dermatologist.


Other possible solutions

In case you have a light down over the lips, you can of course discolor. Otherwise cold wax technique would also be the most appropriate, because it is able to extract very fine hairs and short. If they are too dark, consider the laser to a dermatologist or medical specialist in laser.

The traditional method of sugar wax is ideal for the face. It exfoliates dead skin cells to move and the skin is very soft after. If your hair is too abundant and is even discolored, it’s true, too blond and too dense. This is especially visible on the forearm. The solution is waxing traditional institute. The beauty spread warm wax strip and hard hair. You will be quiet for three weeks because hairs will return and it is inevitable. You have no choice, finished down the hair grows coarser and darker. Once you start waxing, you must start over. You can also use a pair of tweezers, but it is long and tedious.
